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We can provide the extra C-level skills and experience you need to help your business grow.

We've done it already in multiple companies, industries and countries.

Here are some of the most common concerns of our customers when they reach for our help:

"Help me sell more"

You need help boosting your sales - either by training your team, establishing routines, providing them tools, implement adequate metrics and/or by setting up an adequate management operational system.

We've done that and we can help you.

"I need better data"

You need executive-level company-wide KPis, business-driven financials and forecasts to feed your decisions and your board.

VC invested companies (and not only them) usually need help with data so they can better focus on growing their business.

This is part of our everyday job, sitting on the board and helping CEOs.


"I need to transform my processes"

Implementing new software or changing processes in your organization is no easy task - involves changing all the processes and rituals, or no transformation will be achieved. 

We help you implement all the transformation process end to end - people, technology, processes and routines.


"I want to improve my team leadership"

People make the difference  - sometimes your business growth demands more leadership skills from your managers and team leaders.


We've have a hands-on approach that will have a high impact on your team and your results.


"I want to sell my company"

You have worked long and hard, and now is the time to enjoy.

We can help you through all the steps - find the adequate valuation, screen for investors, lead the negotiations until the check is in your bank account. 



We are the executive power that will help you implement real transformation in your business.

Managing and growing a business is very demanding - more than often you need executive boots on the ground, to drive and help you through all the perils of any transformation.


This happens when you try to approach a new market, develop a new product, implement new software, have new investors, or simply want to achieve a major boost in performance.

We will be there, implementing, hands-on, shoulder to shoulder with you, committing to your business results.


We are all experienced C-level executives and we understand what you need.


All of us spent most of our lives building a business or helping leaders implement transformational processes in their companies.
Click to take a closer look:
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Paulo Mateus

Chief Transformation Astronaut

Portugal Office

Will help you transform your sales, your technology and/or your company - to get the job done

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Alexandre Henriques

Chief People Astronaut

Portugal Office

Expert in transforming and impacting your teams and your leaders.

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Joaquim Gonçalves

Chief Energy Astronaut

Brazil Office

He will help  your business grow in Brazil, expand to Europe, or both.

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João Ferreira

Chief Financial Astronaut

Portugal Office

Executive financial data expert. You can count on João to provide you and your Board X-ray financials, to best manage your business

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Chief Business Astronaut

Portugal Office

He is the one that will help you buying a company or to sell your business

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Viven Naidoo

Chief growth Astronaut

South Africa Office

After many years of helping companies grow their business, he is ready to help yours.



Rua Duque de Palmela, 30 – 5.º F 
1250 – 098 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: (+351) 21 009 580 


Av. do Contorno,  6594  - 7º
Belo Horizonte-  MG, 30110-044, Brasil

Tel: (+55) 318860-5076 


803 Lighthouse Mall, 14 Chartwell Drive,

Umhlanga, Durban, KZN, South Africa
Tel: (+351) 21 009 580 

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